2020 DATES: JAN 24, FEB 21,MAR 27, APRIL 24, MAY 29, JUN 26, JUL 24, AUG 28, SEP 25, OCT 23, NOV 27, DEC 31

God's Story of us.
Hi I'm Tricia Streeter, and I will give you the shortest version of our "us" bio, but in reality, God has written a novel. ( I won't write every detail or we will have a novel. So stop me and ask me sometime)
Our story is one of salvation and redemption as individuals and of our marriage. What was created to be "us" was purely by God.
Ryan and I were woven together by God, Sanctuary, and it's community even knew what Sanctuary was.
I was introduced to Jesus and Sanctuary at 16, and during a youth event that Lisa Green brought me to. At that event I first saw the kid version of the man I would marry. But sadly, I did not stay walking with Jesus or Sanctuary for long though Jesus never stopping calling me, (that's another story). Sadly a few years later, Ryan too fell away from Jesus.
That said it took us 5 1/2 years to meet again, date for 5 more years and finally marry. Much partying and much more emptiness tore us apart and broke us individually.
Thankfully it didn't end there! God pursued me quickly and with a righteous vengeance. He had brought my best friend Tara to Sanctuary and she in turn brought me to this church which ended up lined with so many rich friends I hadn't known in years.
As I first entered Sanctuary again I saw my friend Lisa Green leading worship. She welcomed me like no time had passed and she and my friend Audrey, ( No known as Pastor Audrey ) began praying with me for Ryan's heart to be awakened by God and our marriage restored.
At that time our marriage was broken, but I had Jesus, so I prayed His will be done. Divorce Or Miracle, that was my prayer. The ladies and I prayed for miracles and the impossible and most importantly God's will be done one earth as it is in heaven. God delivered.
God brought dreams, visions, words and prayers through many people at Sanctuary.
Fast forward to an AMAZING traumatic story that our friend endured. Here is the miracle....GOD USED that story to lead my husband to Sanctuary, literally. It was that same day of the traumatic event he pulled up tearful, ready to pray and accept Jesus. Jesus encountered Him and overturned His heart like only God can!!
Miracles of miracles.... it seemed like overnight God repaired our marriage through faith and much praying together.
Let's fast forward again...
Ryan and I had been added to the worship team and we excitedly jumped into all God called us to. We were and still are anxious to use whatever skills God gives us so that we can help those around us encounter Jesus like we did.
This is the short and best explanation of the WHY behind how we began working on things like decor, tech, worship, and media stuff we have been working on the past years.
This "church stuff" isn't the only calling God has put in our hearts. Once we were awaken to His love, we became swept up with seeing how He was calling us to move in this love. He spoke to us about HIS children. He lost. His Broken. His Motherless/ fatherless . He reminded us of his word 1 John 4:19, " We love because He first loved us" With that in our hearts we realized he was speaking to us, reminding us to be the hand on earth someone might need to hold just to get through life. And to remember to share his love with all we encounter without judgment.
God opened up and changed our hearts to see the need to be a home to children in foster care.
To be a safe place for them to rest until their families were repaired.
In this FC journey we have seen God move in the hearts of the parents of these children and He has shown us it wasn't just the kids we would be hold hands with.
This heartbreaking journey into foster care has not been easy but we haven't done it alone. Sanctuary community has wrapped us and cared for us, prayer with us, and even served us. It has been such a privilege to learn from Jesus further and further in every avenue foster care has brought us through.
It is through a mixed heart of joy and sorrow that we got to adopt our youngest son. Sorrow for my son and his mom as they were not able to be reunited, but yet he has brought us such joy and wholeness as a family.
Now when God calls, we run to do whatever he calls us to.
Only HE can give us strength and only HE can restore and create miracles.
Our story is an exciting journey to serve, pray, listen, and run. When are obedient to His voice we ALWAYS encounter the King.
We are privileged to serve and look forward to learning your stories! Let's connect.