2020 DATES: JAN 24, FEB 21,MAR 27, APRIL 24, MAY 29, JUN 26, JUL 24, AUG 28, SEP 25, OCT 23, NOV 27, DEC 31
To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder and a witness of Christ’s sufferings who also will share in the glory to be revealed: 2 Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve;
3 not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock (1 Peter 5:1-3).
Biblically elders are peacemakers, prayer-warriors, teachers, leaders, and decision-makers. The Scripture tells us they are purposed to pray for the sick, watch over the church in humility, and help settle disputes.
They are also called to encourage spiritual growth in the community by studying the Scriptures and prayerfully sharing the truth of God's Word with others. The elders at Sanctuary embrace all of these responsibilities and also provide spritual support, guidance, and wisdom to our pastoral team.

Tom and Terry Streeter share a passion for entering the depths of the presence of God. Serving as Elders since 2002, their vision is to encourage others to go further and deeper into Christ, and to be transformed by entering into the freedom of knowing Jesus. Tom leads the Sound/Media Ministry and Terry leads the Children’s Ministry. They have four children and nine adorable grandchildren.

Ryan and Tricia have actively served since 2009. Through the years they have served as part in the worship team ,worked on church creative projects, oversaw technology & media, and served on the board for 6 years and currently became worship directors. Tricia is now a part time staff member over creative administration at the church.
Both believe all things, including serving, start at the feet of Jesus and flows out because of the overflow of love they have been given.

Phil and Jill Dregger have served as elders since Sanctuary began in 1994. They encourage the praise and worship team and our studio artists. They believe knowing God’s love is the key to life. Phrases that illustrate their unique perspective include:
Self-talk and unguarded reactions reveal our beliefs.
Our self-worth must be based on what God says about us.
Telling yourself the truth leads to lasting change.
Forgiveness is a key to breaking cycles of habitual sin.

Pastor Jim and Linda founded Sanctuary Ministries with a heart for God and a desire to grow a church centered on knowing Jesus.
Throughout the years they have worn many hats- they served as youth leaders and business owners but overall they are the best and most amazing pastors.
They lead with love and a strong heart to help all those around them. They are the heart of Sanctuary at it's core.

Warren and Lori have served as elders at Sanctuary since its inception in 1994, and as associate pastors in recent years. Warren recently retired after working 38.5 years in the insurance business. Warren and Lori have three children and five grandchildren, all residing in Antioch.
Warren, Lori, and family enjoy praying for people to receive wholeness and healing. They love to minister freedom from emotional wounds and demonic oppression through the power of Jesus.