2020 DATES: JAN 24, FEB 21,MAR 27, APRIL 24, MAY 29, JUN 26, JUL 24, AUG 28, SEP 25, OCT 23, NOV 27, DEC 31

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OFFICE HOURS: Limited due to scheduling. Please call for an Appointment.
Please leave a message via Voicemail or email Office@sanctuaryconcord.org, or leave a message in the front office inbox to connect with office personnel.

Executive Administrator and Board Secretary
Having been with Sanctuary since the beginning, Karen has served over the years as Children's Ministry Director, Sunday School teacher, Jr. High Youth Leader, High School Youth Staff, Small groups leader, and a member of the Worship team. Karen has served as Executive Administrator since 2008.
Karen Jones

Creative Administrator/ Production lead, and Elder
Tricia oversees creative media and church design projects.
She oversees Sunday productions and takes part in worship team leading beside her husband. She and her husband partner in technology and media productions.
Patricia Streeter

No church can run without amazing team members and volunteers.
Here we would like to introduce some of our key players who enjoy being able to serve you in the community.

Our children's ministry is run by a faithful and dedicated team who prays and seeks God's guidance
on how to lead the kids into personal understanding and relationship with the Holy Spirit.
For the children each lesson plan is thoroughly created for fun, learning, prayer and play.
This is not just Sunday school or babysitting, it is encouragement and growth for the individual child's heart.
Our Youth Ministries is run by an amazing team of dedicated teachers and pastors who pray and seek
God's guidance on how to lead our future generation into lasting personal relationship with the Lord
that will guide and comfort them thru all their lives.
The youth are encouraged to lean into the Word of God, the importance of prayer, and find their posture of worship
all while having fun and creating life long bonds with believers their age.
Why do we have a Board & what do they do?
As an appointed church board, each member is voted on for a specific term to serve as the financial accountability and prayerful delegators of finances and legal policies involved in church accountability. Church boards are responsible for ensuring that the ministry fulfills its core vision by helping to delegate and prayerfully fund the needs of the elder approved ministry action. This is done by developing strategy, monitoring performance, and ensuring church financial accountability.
The board is an integral part of tying finances with the voice of Pastoral, Elder, and congregational lead decisions from our body's spiritual vision. Although biblically the Eldership is the teachers and guides, the board is necessary for the earthly business entity portions required here on earth. However we attempt to take the position as a servants posture before God, to oversee the business and financial needs as well as serve the congregation as needed. These duties can range from handling the simplicity of the bills being paid to the follow thru of the tasks the pastors and office shouldn't have to run, to helping serve our body.
Caroline Kilmer
Caroline has been a prayer warrior and joyful guide to our board. She is active in many small groups as leader and attendee. Caroline is a spirit led friend to all who enter Sanctuary.

Tirzah & Andrew Burke
Tirzah grew up at Sanctuary and she brought her amazing husband into our community and they have not stopped blessing us with their outpouring through serving. Together they oversee the set up and teardown of all services and special events. Tirzah is an astounding spiritual blogger on our website while Andrew pours out his skills through maintenance and repairs. Both lead small groups and lead hearts to Jesus weekly.

Ben & Leah Fogle
Ben & Leah have been members of Sanctuary for many year. Their passion for Jesus and serving at Sanctuary is endless.

Gary & Alyse Plumley
Gary & Alyse are amazing leaders in our small groups and Nursery classrooms. Both give tirelessly while having full time jobs serving our local communities. They are parents to the most lovely children. Alyse is our Board secretary and worshipper at our prayer times.

Chris Miliken
Chris tirelessly pours out as on of our greeters, ushers, and set up crew. He is the welcoming smile who greets all who enter Sanctuary.
Sanctuary volunteer team is bigger & more revolving so it is difficult to note individual names- We would hate to miss one name and so we will give this general praise report!
Each individual volunteer makes OUR TEAM & is a HUGE reason why we are all drawn to be in this church community.
It is the continual outpouring of care and hands that serve one another in love that allows our church to care for one another and outwards into the greater community of the valley and beyond. It is in this kind serving that we get to witness the goodness of God's word in action.
Just as Jesus washed the disciples feet, we find hearts here that willingly serve and make themselves "lower" in posture to care for each other and the unknown. Whether it is greeting, ushering, cooking dinners for the community, set up & take down, sweeping, and washing dishes, stacking / cleaning chairs , bathroom maintenance, caring for those in need, or outward ministries---this TEAM is a huge blessing and we honor and thank each member.
This is our Sanctuary Team.