2020 DATES: JAN 24, FEB 21,MAR 27, APRIL 24, MAY 29, JUN 26, JUL 24, AUG 28, SEP 25, OCT 23, NOV 27, DEC 31
Meet the Pastors
“And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers” (Ephesians 4:11).
Biblically, the pastor serves as an overseer in the Church. In Ephesians 4:11, the Greek word for “pastor” is “poimen,” which literally translates “shepherd.” The word is plural and also seems to be united with the role of teaching. With this in mind, the Scripture indicates that the pastor operates within a team of overseers. Also, one way in which a pastor oversees and leads the community is through admonition and teaching.
It is not uncommon, in the modern Church, to view the pastor as an autocratic leader. At Sanctuary, we seek to foster a culture of shared-leadership where the unique gifts of the ministry leadership can work in conjunction with the senior pastor in supporting the growth and health of the church. We have Lead pastors, Jim Shields & Audrey McCormick, along with assisting pastors: Warren Clark. This pastoral team rotates on a teaching schedule for Sunday sermons; they also serve the community by providing prayer, counsel, care, wisdom, and oversight for individuals and for the community at large.

Co Lead Pastor
Pastor Jim and Linda have serve the community of Sanctuary as a senior pastor since its inception in 1994 and is now excited to share the honor as a co-Lead Pastor alongside Pastor Audrey McCormick. Jim has a 20 year business background as a small business owner. They have three children and eight grandchildren. Pastor Jim and Linda began serving a local church in 1974 as your pastor. They also have overseen marriage and family instruction and small group ministries. They were called into the pastorship in 1992. Pastor Jim is licensed and ordained through open Bible Churches. Pastor Jim is a passionate and knowledgeable pastor with a heart for a relational church and the intimacy and power of prayer. He leads to encourage the congregation interpersonal relationships of Jesus and personal relationships with one another. He is an advocate and huge main stay in the valley church movement well as cofounder of praise in the park in Concord.
Available by appointment during office hours. Request via email: office@sanctuaryconcord.org
Co Lead Pastor
Audrey McCormick is the Co-Lead Senior Pastor at Sanctuary Church and has served the church for more than ten years through varying avenues of ministry including youth leadership, prayer, preaching, outreach, and teaching. She has a Master of Arts in Intellectual Leadership from A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary at Simpson University in Redding, CA, and she was ordained by Sanctuary in 2017. Audrey is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Theology at Oral Roberts University. Her doctoral research is on the topic of divine union and the significance of the bridal motif for the global Spirit-empowered movement. In addition to her work at Sanctuary, Audrey is the Community Educator at Options Health where she teaches EmpowerEd, a sexual risk avoidance program she authored for teens and parents. Audrey loves Jesus and longs to lead people into true intimacy with God through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Associate Pastor & Elder
Warren and Lori have served as elders at Sanctuary since its inception in 1994 ,and Pastor Warren has begun as associate pastors in recent years. Warren recently retired after working 38.5 years in the insurance business. Warren and Lori have three children and five grandchildren all residing locally. Warren and Lori and their families are praying for people for freedom from emotional brokenness fear depression and demonic oppression.