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Karen Jones

Mary - Our Trailblazer

"The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Luke 1:35a

This one sentence, spoken by the angel to Mary, could not be ignored. Such a statement begged a response. And Mary, with her simple reply, blazed a trail that continues to lead it's way through our journey today.

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Luke 1:38

This one response, spoken in humble submission, has echoed through each Advent from that day to this. Can you hear it? It is the invitation of God Himself. Just as He miraculously implanted Himself into the womb of this young girl, He invites us to let Him implant Himself within each one of us, allowing the Holy Spirit to grow and thrive within the willing womb of our hearts. The remarkable thing about Mary is that her response set the example for all of mankind from that moment forward. She simply ACCEPTED that she would conceive God Himself within her own body. submissive. This was Mary's reaction to the conception of God's will and purpose for her life. And then she waited...waited as we do each Advent make the journey to Bethlehem for the coming of Jesus.

It is difficult - nearly impossible really, for us to imagine what she must have experienced on that incredible day that charted the course of history. But in a way we must embrace a similar phenomenon. Will we accept the fact that God wants to implant Himself within us to be a force for HIs Kingdom? Will we submit to His Spirit attaching Himself within our hearts to grow and develop as Jesus did in Mary's womb? Will we reply, as she did, “I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled.”

During these precious days of Advent, let us blaze a trail to Bethlehem for His birth.

Take a Five Minute Walk

The road to Bethlehem wasn't an easy one. Today, despite temperature, weather, or your busy schedule, take time for a five minute walk outside. In those moments, imagine the Messiah's weight inside of you as you take each step. Ask God, as you walk, to bring you to Bethlehem, where the fullness of HIs will can be birthed through YOUR life.

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Dec 03, 2022

Yes, “The weight/waiting of His presence.“ I love this Karen.

Dec 06, 2022
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Ooh, I like that "weight/waiting" comparison.

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