Do you ever feel let down after Christmas? Maybe even a little depressed? It's not uncommon.
So what do we do with those anti-climactic, after-holiday blues?
I always think about the shepherds and wonder what it was like for them after they came to Bethlehem. The visit from the angels would be enough to put you right at the top of the "awe and wonder" scale. But then to go to the stable...to actually SEE that tiny King and fall at His feet in worship. I can't even imagine the joy they must have felt. And then, back they go to fields to watch their sheep. Back to their everyday, humdrum lives. I wonder if they were walking on sunshine, and for how long. I can only guess that special day must have been a great topic of conversation for some time to come.

"Did you feel the air quiver when the angels arrived?" one of the older shepherds would ask.
"I just remember I was nearly blinded by the light." answered a young boy.
"I felt sure we would be struck dead, and I just waited for everything to go black. But it didn't!" another replied.
"All I can think about is that baby. I've never seen such a beautiful child in my entire life. I can't get that little face out of my mind." And all the shepherds nodded in silent agreement.
I imagine the conversation might have gone on for hours as they sat together under the night sky. I imagine their everyday, humdrum lives were never the same again.
And I wonder...do I carry the memory of His miraculous birth? Do I ponder and wonder and play the scene out in my mind after Christmas day has passed? Or have I already forgotten the Advent season and the things God has shown me? As I pull leftovers out of the fridge and glance down at the opened packages under the tree I ask myself: what memories am I taking away from this Christmas? How will this Christmas impact me today, and tomorrow, and for other tomorrows to come?
As I move forward through these next few days, maybe I'll find some fellow shepherds and gather around with them to marvel once again at the miraculous things that happened on that historic night. Something tells me that might chase the blues away pretty quickly.
Take a Five Minute Walk
Take a little walk today and ask God to highlight a wondrous thing He has done in your life this Advent season. It may seem small, but if you can capture that memory and carry it with you, the wonder of Christmas might linger a bit longer. Then spend some time thanking Him for it, and for the gift of Himself.