2020 DATES: JAN 24, FEB 21,MAR 27, APRIL 24, MAY 29, JUN 26, JUL 24, AUG 28, SEP 25, OCT 23, NOV 27, DEC 31

A night of Musical Worship & fellowship
ALSO Live Online monthly on Facebook @Sanctuaryministriesconcord and
YOUTUBE @ youtube.com/c/SanctuaryConcord
The river is a night where our community and others come together for a musical expression of worship after.
It is a time where we pour out our hearts in adoration for the Lord, and we often see Him respond, bringing heaven to earth in such personal ways. We recognize God responds to us in our own ways individually as individually as He created us, so we encourage. respectful and honoring forms of worship thru such avenues as art, writing, and dance.
Artists, writers, and dancers are all given places to be comfortable in their forms of worship expression . ( See Links)
God has often blown thru The River nights with healing and words of scriptural encouragement.
We are blessed that thru song, art, writing and prayer we have witnessed His healing touch and love for His beloved.

A night of Musical Worship & fellowship
ALSO Live Online monthly on Facebook @Sanctuaryministriesconcord and
YOUTUBE @ youtube.com/c/SanctuaryConcord
The river is a night where our community and others come together for dinner together beforehand, and stay for a musical expression of worship after.
It is a time where we pour out our hearts in adoration for the Lord, and we often see Him respond, bringing heaven to earth in such personal ways. We recognize God responds to us in our own ways individually as individually as He created us, so we encourage. respectful and honoring forms of worship thru such avenues as art, writing, and dance.
Artists, writers, and dancers are all given places to be comfortable in their forms of worship expression . ( See Links)
God has often blown thru The River nights with healing and words of scriptural encouragement.
We are blessed that thru song, art, writing and prayer we have witnessed His healing touch and love for His beloved.